Senior Instructors

Sensei Sathish

Coach Karate can be practiced as an art, self-defense, or as a combat sport. Traditional karate places emphasis on self-development. Feel free to come try a FREE CLASS

Sempai Kayla

Coach Hi, I’m Kayla. I started karate at six years old because it's a great way to gain and build self-confidence. Since starting my training, I have stepped out of my shell, being able to run whole classes, as well as being able to take and use those skills in my personal life. For example, [...]

Sempai Simon

Coach Hey there, I’m Simon, and my Karate journey started back in 2015. I always wanted to do Karate, and I finally found the right time, and the right dojo. The team at Samurai are awesome, making me feel at home since the moment I walked in the door. My passions are practising and learning [...]

Sensei Tom

Coach Howdy, my name is Tom. I started karate over two decades ago at age 6. My parents wanted me to do an activity that would involve my whole body, and bring me self-confidence and fun. When gymnastics and trampolining didn’t quite do the trick, my folks thought ‘Tom loves the Power Rangers - maybe [...]

Sensei Steven

Coach Hi, my name is Steven and I started my Karate journey at Samurai Karate Croydon in 1998 as an 8 year old. Though it was my parent's decision to have my brother and I learn Karate, as an adult who has now been training and teaching for many years I am very thankful for [...]

Sensei Craig

Coach, Founder Hello, I’m Craig, though many call me Sensei. I’m the Head Trainer and Manager at Samurai Karate Croydon. I teach many classes throughout the club from Little Samurai kids to our oldest and toughest black belts :) I currently hold the rank of Shidoin Godan (5th dan) Kenshi. My Karate journey started 40 [...]
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