Coach, Founder
Hello, I’m Craig, though many call me Sensei. I’m the Head Trainer and Manager at Samurai Karate Croydon. I teach many classes throughout the club from Little Samurai kids to our oldest and toughest black belts 🙂 I currently hold the rank of Shidoin Godan (5th dan) Kenshi.
My Karate journey started 40 years ago, in 1984 when I turned 8. To say I was a reluctant student would be an understatement. It was many years before my training became a passion for focus, discipline, and excellence.
When I was younger, I was a keen kata competitor and had some local success. I’ve travelled internationally to compete and train having been to Japan some 15 times.
Over the years I have complimented my Karate with further training in Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I love the challenge of martial arts training.
Outside the dojo, I love keeping fit, reading and am quite the avid gamer playing ARPGs and RPGs. As a bit of a performer, you’ll occasionally find me streaming online.